Quick Clarity Reading


Quick Clarity Reading


This three card video reading is designed to provide a clear, simple, and accurate answer to a single question. The video will be sent to you within 3 DAYS of receipt of payment. Please provide your question where indicated when adding to cart. If you don't have a specific question I will be happy to do a general reading identifying a few key energies most relevant in your life at this time. I will choose the most appropriate card positions to answer your question but common options may include:

Past - Present - Future
Within - Without - Advice
Option A - Option B - Advice
Person A - Person B - Relationship
Let Go Of - Keep - Welcome

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Three card video readings are a minimum of 12 minutes in length and will be provided as a private link within three days of receipt of payment. If I find I need to pull additional cards for clarification this will be done free of charge.

Tarot readings are not a substitute for medical, legal, or mental health advice and are offered for entertainment purposes only.

Additional information about my policies can be found here.