Reaching Skyward Reading


Reaching Skyward Reading


This six card video reading explores the personal qualities, skills, and assets you have that you can rely on, as well as ways in which you can aim to grow and develop in the future. This is a perfect reading for questions around personal and professional development as it is designed to build confidence and self worth and help you step forward on the path toward reaching your goals.

The video will be sent to you within 5 DAYS of receipt of payment. Please provide your question or notes on your situation where indicated when adding to cart. If you don't have a specific question I will be happy to do a general reading.

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Six card video readings are a minimum of 18 minutes in length and will be provided as a private link within five days of receipt of payment. If I find I need to pull additional cards for clarification this will be done free of charge.

Tarot readings are not a substitute for medical, legal, or mental health advice and are offered for entertainment purposes only.

Additional information about my policies can be found here.